City of Calgary website still has the following information posted:
The amnesty period for secondary suite application, allowing reduced costs and some relaxation in rules to have existing suites made legal, is scheduled to end June 2020. However City council is due to vote today, April 6, 2020, to extend the deadline 18 Months to end of Dcember 2021. Due to Covid-19 there is a back-log of inspections and applications. Vote is expected to pass.
If your thinking about adding a basement suite, or have one and you want to apply to have it made legal.
This link will be very helpful
In regard to attached or semi-detached dwellings there has been a couple of helpful changes brought forward by the City. Links are here;
This Bylaw change is #76P2019 regarding attached and semi-detached dwellings link;
RE: Extension to the June 2020 deadline. My contact at P&D City of Calgary tells me No extensions have been made official, Amnesty period for secondary suites deadline remains June 2020. If this changes I'll post it here.